Extremely popular among young consumers, Wish delivers a fun, personalized shopping experience that engages users who spend a longer “time in-app.” Wish is an additive sales channel for eCommerce merchants, providing access to a new, mobile-focused consumer.
If you do not currently have a Wish seller account and would like to sign up for one, go to the Wish for Merchants page and sign up for free!
Integration Requirements
An active account with SHIPGATE.
An active seller account with Wish.
Connect a Wish store to SHIPGATE
Go to SHIPGATE Ecommerces Tab, then right top Connect button click and click the Wish image on the screen that appears
Event Sign up link : expire date (~2022-01-01)
If you sign up for SHIPGATE through the link below and successfully connect to the Wish Store, you will receive a free plan of KRW 200,000 for 90 days, upgraded from the previous 14-day trial period.